As early as the primitive society, the Chinese ancestors had worshiped the gods. Rope, pronounced as "Sheng"(simplified character -- 绳;traditional character-- 繩), shared a similar pronunciation with the word for god ("Shen" in Chinese), and when written, it looked like a dragon(simplified character-- 龙;traditional character-- 龍), an auspicious animal in Chinese culture; knot, in Chinese 'Jie' means vigor, harmony, and unification, Therefore, this unique Chinese knots artwork has been a popular gift for thousands of years and embodies best wishes. People wore it in the beginning as a decorative addition to clothing (usually with the jade wearing), and later, used it to decorate their houses. Though the weaving techniques are complicated, ropes, in hands of a deft craftsman appear effortless moving the shuttle in between the rows of ropes. A Chinese knot is usually symmetrical in structure and colorful with jade or porvelain beads. This no doubt adds more jubilation to any festive atmosphere.