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Home > Destinations > Guangdong> Zhuhai > Mysterious Island

Mysterious Island

The Mysterious Island is part of Ocean Spring Resort, is one of the renowned theme parks in China and Asia. It also features the Asia's first theme park expansion training camp and experimental base-camp for teamwork training, execution prowess and creativity.

Step on the Mysterious Island Central, Lucky Lane, Jungle Adventure, Pirates' Den or Mermaid's Cove -  each zealously guarded by one of the 5 elf deities - and get ready for an intriguing voyage of mysteries and magic. There are several performances on the island like the Scottish bagpipes band which shows soothingly melodious bagpipe.

Experience the Top Firsts in Asia and China including:

1. The Turbo Sin- the first leaning tower in Asia that takes you up to the sky in spin your word in quick and heart-stop way.

2. The E-type warship thrust you through the slope, spinning and quick turnings.

3. Experience great challenge from the weightlessness and heftiness strike on the monster plunge and space craft!

4. Pushing by a crashing wave then drop down 18 meters from the air. Would you ready for a try? Check the Gushing Dynamo!

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