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Heavenly Lake

Heavenly LakeHeavenly Lake, praised locally as 'eye of mother earth', sutiated in mountainside of Bogda Peak where is the Heavenly Mountain range (Tianshan), 115 km northeast of Urumqi.

Heaven's Lake is gifted with heavey minority flavor and ancient Chinese myths. It was said a reputed goddess always held her birthday party at Heaven's Lake. All heaven gods gathered here for celebration and discussed about managing the world on that day. The gods looked over how were the people living on the earth. They were very satisfied with what they saw. As a representative, the goddess invited Mu emperor (in the Zhou Dynasty of China) who made the people live and work in peace and contentment and expressed her appreciation on a nice feast. With reassurance on the world, the gods never came to Heaven's Lake again since then.

Heaven's Lake (Tianchi) is arguably one of the nicest spots in all of China. The huge clear water lake, the pine trees covering the hillsides and the snow capped mountains in the background make this a little like the vibrancy and color of Switzerland rocky mountains.

Heavenly Lake, Xinjiang ToursHeavenly Lake, Xinjiang ToursHeavenly Lake, Xinjiang Tours

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