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Home > Yunnan > Lijiang > Lijiang Restaurants

Lijiang Restaurants

Lijiang delicacies are characterized by refreshing tasting dishes and mellow soups. Then where to eat in Lijiang? The most popular places and restaurants to eat in Lijiang are: the Gucheng Restaurant, the biggest restaurant in the old town, serves up authentic Lijiang cuisine and the Qinyun Naxi Specialty Restaurant is the best place to sample authentic Naxi specialties such as eggplant good with peanuts and Naxi fried rice.

As the tourist industry develops, more and more restaurants have begun serving western food, and their cooking standards are fairly good. Among these places, the Bridge Cafe serves good western food and the best coffee, and the Old Market Cafe is popular with foreign travelers and is the best place to get access to travel information

What to eat in Lijiang?

See more details at the Lijiang cuisine page

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