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Home > Destinations > Guangdong> Guangzhou > Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area

Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area

 White Cloud (Baiyun) Mountain, located 17 kilometers of north of Guangzhou city, is renown as the First Mountain of Southern Yue with gorgeous scenery and abundant historical
relics. It's the only national park in Guangzhou with hills and waters available, an ideal place for sightseeing and summer resort. In clear autumn days, white clouds curl up
from among the peaks, making the mountain a luxuriant wonder and thus gaining its name White Cloud Mountain.

People always describe the natural beauty of Guangzhou as being composed of white cloud and pearl sea, the white cloud referring to White Cloud Mountain. The mountain stands up
over the flat area of the Pearl River Delta, covering an area of 20.98 kilometers. It consists of 30 peaks with Moxing Summit the highest peak at 382 meters above sea level.

Baiyun MountainBaiyun Mountain

White Cloud Mountain has six parts, Bright Pearl Building Park, the San tailing Summit Park, the Bird Spring Valley Park (Mingchun Valley), the Santailing Park, the Luhu Park
and the Fei'eling Park.

Yuntai Garden, an enormous garden filled with all kinds of blooms and trees, featuring at the Eastern-and-Western architectural art, is located in Santailing Park also the
entrance of Baiyun mountain; The biggest birdcage in China could in the mountain, offering great chance to see kinds of thousands of birds in Bird Spring Valley Park at once;
The sculpture park in Fei'eling homes many modern sculpture for visitor's enjoying...

White Cloud (Baiyun) Mountain is widely recognized as a return to nature from the big city. Many visitors prefer to take a slow walk in the mountain areas at weekend or holidays
to fully enjoy natural beauty and natural beauty.

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