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The section below is part of examples of feedbacks and reviews come from our valued clients who traveled China with us. We are grateful that the following guests highly valued our service and permit us to publish their comments and some of their contact information. Please feel free to communicate with them directly with your questions, or you put in touch with us via emails. Our sales team wishes you have a good time with our honest and personalized services.

From John

Hi Cathy

We are flying from Malaysia to Perth tonight and have had an incredible tour. Our time in China was really fantastic and we shall certainly return in the future. Maybe next time we'll visit Guilin.

Your guides were fantastic Cathy, each and every one was very well informed on their subject and very pleasant company too.

The drivers were very proficient and the accomodation good.

I shall certainly recommend your company to my friends and colleagues.  Thank you for your professional organisation. The success of our tour we owe to you.

Kind regards


Client's Information:

Nationality: Australia
Tour Starting Date: mid-May, 2011
Tour Itinerary:Shanghai-Hangzhou

From Dr Ollé Csilla

Dear Charlie,

It is already some days ago that we are back in Hungary again – and I am quite ashamed that I haven’t written you uptill now – cause I am really so grateful to you because of your helpgulness.

I know that we were very difficult clients ( this is not normal – we are generally the easyest clients you can only imagine – I don’t know what happened to us this time: in the last dasys I have also got thore-throat, and I havent been able to speak for 7 days by now  - and there is no hope even now, that it will get better.

Just a short feedback:

Guides:  all of them were OK, Rebecca in  Guilin and  Andy in Lijiang were excellent and especially helpful.

Hotels: all of them OK,  ( not very good, but good, Yangshou and Chengdu very good (though the location of the hotel Tibert not especially nice, but for one night it was just the very best.

Programs/ itinerary: ok.  I wld do Longji  a bit later ( when the ricefields are already wet) or in Sept/Okt., and wld skip the stone forest and the Tiger Leaping Gorge now, if  I wld book just now.

Yourself: Fantastic – really one of our best and dearest partner J J !

Thank you again, byby: CSilla

Dr Ollé Csilla

Client's Information:

Nationality: Hungary
Tour Starting Date: May, 2011

Tour Itinerary: Kunming-Dali-Lijiang-Chengdu-Guilin-Yangshuo

From Narendra

Dear Silvia Gan,

I would like to provide my feedback –

Travel/Hotel arrangements     : Excellent

Guides in all the locations       : Excellent

Support when required           : Excellent

I shall strongly recommend Chinafacttours to my friends. I have already sent to one of my friends who will contact you shortly

Best regards,


Client's Information:

Nationality: India
Tour Starting Date: May, 2011